Ian Eyberg
Mar 13, 2015 7 min read

Code Generation From the AST

Deprehend is a tool that auto-generates go src to wrap goroutines with panic handlers and wrap http handlers for metrics tracking.

Over at DeferPanic we do a lot of application monitoring specifically for you, Go engineers.

Go as a language is very opinionated and more importantly, Go engineers are an anti-magic crowd. To this end, we have exposed most of our functionality as wrappers around the stdlib. What this means is that you have to manually add code to use the client library effectively.

Engineers are a lazy bunch - it’s why we are engineers. We like to automate as much as possible.

As more and more companies started integrating with us we kept hearing more and more of - “You mean I have to wrap every single http handler and every single goroutine?”

This reminded gophers of their initial reaction to error handling in Go - “You mean I have to wrap every function with error handling?” :)

For smaller codebases or new projects this isn’t a big deal but for existing codebases this can be a non-trivial amount of work and what happens if you forget something?

We admit, this is not only a complete pain but it is hard to scale as you have no way of knowing if new code has been handled correctly or not - it kinda defeats the purpose of handling unexpected errors/panics.

So we started hacking out Deprehend.

This tool looks at your source code via the AST and auto-generates the code for you.

What Exactly is an AST Anyways?

AST stands for ‘abstract syntax tree’. This is a data structure used by the compiler. It performs a number of functions such as looking at the correctness of your program and generating the symbol table.

What do we mean by the correctness? Have you ever tried to build your program via go build and it fails to compile? Maybe like me you use Fresh and you have a OCD of hitting save every 2-3 seconds as you are thinking - you’ll probably get a few failed builds here and there as you save if you have only written half an expression. This is the compiler failing to produce a correct AST of which it complains and then bails out.

What about the symbol table? The symbol table is another data structure used by the compiler where every variable you declare is complemented with meta-data such as its type (int vs string). In some languages you might see its scope or location in source. In Go we have access to the receiver, the package name, whether or not it’s visible or not, etc.

In many languages the lexer will first come along and tokenize everything in your code. Then the parser comes along and adds the relationships between the tokens creating our AST.

For example:

  i := 2 + 3

This might be lex’d as:

identifier (i) operator (:=) operand (2), operator (+), operand (3).

Then the parser might conclude that this forms an assignment expression where i evaluates to 5 with a resulting tree looking similar to:

To be clear this is just a general example - not necessarily what you’ll find in any given language.

The Purpose of it All:

With the structure of an AST we can now determine what exactly the expression is versus what we (humans) read it to be. This is a very important distinction to make.

One of the main functions of Deprehend is to find and auto-wrap errors so we can handle them properly. There’s a difference between catching an error, dealing with an error and observing the (possibly unknown) error. Our focus is on observability.

So the reader may ask - why don’t we just do a regex to find errors?

Well - let’s try that.

You might have seen this line before:

if err != nil {

So we just need a regex that looks like this right?

if err != nil

Problem 1:

Well, unfortunately, not everyone uses “err” as the variable name. It could be err1 or errorz or notAnError.

Problem 2:

What if err is not an error at all? What if it’s a string? We simply don’t know by parsing the source with a regex. There is no affirmative way to understand that without context.

Problem 3:

Since our code replacement is potentially adding more lines, how do we do this without accidentally modifying things we should not be modifying?

The answer:

We dump the AST.

From the top we’ll recursively walk the file tree specified on the command line via filepath.Walk.

From there we parse the source code of each file to grab the AST via parser.ParseFile.

We also grab the type information for our expressions and stuff it into a map via types.Info.

We walk the AST in depth-first order via ast.Inspect. (remember, we are dealing with trees)

For each node we look for a few things:

  • does this node contain a goroutine?

  • does this node make an assignment? if so is the type an error?


If an error is found we do a couple of things.

First, we want to mark the position in the file where we found it as we’ll be modifying the source later. To do that we use .

Then we grab the actual error name to have a reference to it.

We also check to see if a blank identifier, the underscore is being used. There are lots of times when errors get thrown away because people don’t want to deal with them. If it’s a return from strconv.Atoi maybe you don’t care but maybe you should.

For example say you are ingesting a form request. One of the fields has always been a whole dollar amount so your code looks like:

  s = "10"
  i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)

However, recently, unbeknownst to you, one of the front-end people with code in a completely different repository on a completely different team dressed it up with the USD symbol of $.

Now it looks like:

  s = "$10"
  i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)

Your tests might still pass because your assumptions were that no one would ever send you anything but a whole dollar amount. However, if you look at the error you are throwing away you would know why this code is not working:

strconv.ParseInt: parsing “$10”: invalid syntax

Guess what the value of i is now? That’s right - the zero value of an int - 0.

By discovering the places where we purposely or inadvertently throw away errors we can uncover potential bugs lurking on our production systems and prevent a rash of angry customers wondering why the service was free for so long when we should have been charging them $10.


For goroutines we simply insert code to defer any potential panics that might happen. For better or for worse not everyone has a “let it crash” mentality and sometimes it’s simply not acceptable to kill the entire daemon because someone missed a divide by zero.

By consulting the AST we can confirm what our code is doing rather than just by guessing via some regexen.

There’s a famous stackoverflow post where someone asks about using regexen to parse html. Similarly, if you are trying to understand source - don’t guess - just look it up in the AST.

For an example of how we rewrite the source grab Deprehend and the client (to build):

go get -u
go get -u

Then run it via:

deprehend /path/to/myproj
package main

import (

func bob() {

func main() {
        go bob()

Then we’ll get this output:

package main

import (

func bob() {

func main() {
        go func(){
                defer deferclient.Persist()

This shows that we automatically detect goroutines and rewrite the source to handle any potential panics that might occur within that goroutine.

This tool is new and experimental and yes, it might eat your cat - so if you find any bugs or want to extend functionality please create a pull request.

We hope this makes developing in Go much easier and makes you, the end developer, more productive. You can stop guessing whether or not you are covered and just pump out code instead.

Looking Towards the Future

I think in the future we might look at making this more general purpose and including some vim/emacs plugins.