Johan Brandhorst
Dec 1, 2017 7 min read

Using GopherJS with gRPC-Web


This article will talk about how to connect a GopherJS frontend to a Go backend. If you haven’t heard about GopherJS before, it’s an open source Go-to-JavaScript transpiler, allowing us to write Go code and run it in the browser. I recommend taking a look at the official GitHub repo and Dmitri Shuralyov’s DotGo presentation Go in the browser for a deeper introduction.

Writing GopherJS apps is great fun and lets us avoid writing JavaScript and all the problems associated with it. However, we’ll often want to communicate with a backend server in order to read or write state or issue RPC calls to other backend servers. This is generally done via a RESTful JSON API, or maybe something like GraphQL with JSON. But using these approaches come with several downsides:

  • Having two sources of truth for the interface
  • Loosely typed JSON objects
  • Complex API versioning
  • No streaming support
  • JSON Marshalling/Unmarshalling is slow

Fortunately there’s now a great alternative to REST and GraphQL which builds on the existing gRPC ecosystem. gRPC, of course, is the open source RPC framework developed by Google, donated to the CNCF, and generally accepted as one of the best ways to faciliate RPCs between microservices today. It usually uses protobuf as the payload, but is designed to be agnostic of the payload layer. Protobuf, of course, is a payload format, also developed by Google, used for fast and efficient data transfers.


gRPC-Web is essentially a gRPC client in the browser. It allows the use of normal gRPC-like requests over the wire, with binary marshalled protobuf messages as the payload. It currently requires a small proxy to be compatible with existing gRPC backends, but this requirement will eventually be dropped, as it becomes possible to implement the gRPC wire protocol in the browser.

It has an official spec, but currently no official client. Google was working on a client in a private repo, which was scheduled for a Q3 2017 release, but work has mostly died down for now. Instead, there’s a spec-compliant third party client available, developed by Improbable. Improbable wrote a great blog post to introduce the library, which I encourage you to read.

gRPC-Web supports unary and server-side streaming methods only at this time, pending the finalizing and implementing of the WHATWG Streams API in browsers.

The Improbable client is written in TypeScript, which is better than JavaScript, but obviously not as good as Go. This is why I created the GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings.

GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings

The GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings allows the use of gRPC as easily as any other Go gRPC client, and with a suitably proxied gRPC backend it can act as the communications layer between the frontend and backend of a website. It supports all 4 streaming modes supported by gRPC, bridging the client-side streaming gap in the gRPC-Web spec with the use of WebSockets.

Working with protobuf usually consists of 3 steps, and with my bindings, it is no different:

  1. Define the interface
  2. Generate the code
  3. Use the generated code

I’ll now give a quick example of how to use the bindings, which should look extremely familiar if you’ve already used protobuf and gRPC. If you want to, you can following along these instructions after cloning my boilerplate repo.

Define the interface

We’ll define a simple unary server method for getting information about a user, with the user ID as the input. We’ll also add a fancy bi-directional streaming method. The following protofile is all you need to generate the server and client interfaces to perform these RPC calls:


package site;

message GetUserRequest {
    string user_id = 1;

message User {
    string user_id = 1;
    string name = 2;
    uint32 age = 3;

message ChatMessage {
    string name = 1;
    string message = 2;

service Website {
  // GetUser fetches user details from a user ID
  rpc GetUser(GetUserRequest) returns (User) {}
  // Chat allows asynchronous communications between
  // the client and the server.
  rpc Chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessage) {}

Generate the code

We generate the server and client interfaces using protoc. Using protoc can be daunting, but I won’t dedicate time to it in this post, if you want more of an introduction, I recommend reading my blog post on the subject. The following command will generate both the server and client code and interfaces:

$ protoc site.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:./server/ --gopherjs_out=plugins=grpc:./client/

We use the standard Go protobuf plugin, protoc-gen-go, and my GopherJS protobuf plugin, protoc-gen-gopherjs to generate the server and client respectively. It is important that the generated files are put into different folders as they expect to define their own packages. This will generate two files: server/site.pb.go and client/site.pb.gopherjs.go.

Use the generated code

The code generated by protoc-gen-go defines an interface that the backend must implement. In our case, it looks like this:

type WebsiteServer interface {
	// GetUser fetches user details from a user ID
	GetUser(context.Context, *GetUserRequest) (*User, error)
	// Chat allows asynchronous communications between
	// the client and the server.
	Chat(Website_ChatServer) error

This is all standard gRPC stuff, so I wont talk too much about this.

The code generated by protoc-gen-gopherjs instead exposes a client that, when pointed at a gRPC server, allows calling to the functions implemented by the backend. The functions exposed intentionally mirror that of the client generated by protoc-gen-go, in order to make it more familiar. Lets take a look:

type WebsiteClient interface {
	// GetUser fetches user details from a user ID
	GetUser(ctx context.Context, in *GetUserRequest, opts ...grpcweb.CallOption) (*User, error)
	// Chat allows asynchronous communications between
	// the client and the server.
	Chat(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpcweb.CallOption) (Website_ChatClient, error)

// NewWebsiteClient creates a new gRPC-Web client.
func NewWebsiteClient(hostname string, opts ...grpcweb.DialOption) WebsiteClient {

The generated functions take a context, that can be used for cancellation, just like in a normal gRPC request. It optionally takes grpc.CallOptions that allow per-call settings to be applied. Supported dial options can be found on godoc. Note that some dial options are not entirely supported by the bi-directional streaming method type.

The NewWebsiteClient function takes a hostname, the address of the server to connect to, and optionally some DialOptions, that allow per-client settings.

All the functions exposed by the GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings block until their respective calls have completed.

Server side requirements

As mentioned earlier, the GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings (for now) require a small proxy in front of a generic gRPC server. The proxy is developed by Improbable, and there are two different packages. Since we’re working with a Go gRPC backend, we’ll use the importable package which makes this extremely simple. This is all that is required to proxy gRPC-Web requests into gRPC requests in your backend:

import ""
gs := grpc.NewServer()
wrappedServer := grpcweb.WrapServer(gs)

It’s as simple as wrapping the *grpc.Server with grpcweb.WrapServer.

In addition, if you want to use the bi-directional streaming capabilities of the GopherJS bindings, you’ll need to wrap the server again.

import ""
wsproxy := wsproxy.WrapServer(http.HandlerFunc(wrappedServer.ServeHTTP))

This second wrapper intercepts websocket requests made to the server and translates them into gRPC streaming requests to support client side and bi-directional streaming.

Wrapping up

The GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings solve most of the problems associated with a classic RESTful JSON API:

  • One source of truth for the interface design - the protofile.
  • Strongly typed data structures via protobuf and Go.
  • Simple API versioning - protobuf is backwards compatible by design.
  • Built-in streaming support; server-side, client-side and bi-directional.
  • Fast and efficient marshalling and unmarshalling via protobuf.

If you want to take a look at an example of the GopherJS gRPC-Web bindings in use, you can dive into my grpcweb-example repo and take a look at the demo website.

If you want to try it out for yourself, I would encourage you to clone the boilerplate repo I set up to get going quickly.

I hope this post has inspired you to try something new next time you’re writing a webserver with a frontend client. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me @johanbrandhorst or jbrandhorst on Gophers Slack, and check out my my blog for more stuff related to Go, GopherJS and gRPC.