When developers add an SMS component in their app either for verification or notification purposes, they usually do it via RESTful API like the ones provided by Twilio.
On my team at Mattel, we have a magefile for every Go project (and we have several Go projects). Our use of mage has grown with the team and the projects, and it has been a big help keeping our dev practices uniform and shareable.
One day, several instances of one of our production services stopped accepting incoming traffic. HTTP requests successfully went through the load balancer reaching the instance and just hanged.
In this post you’ll learn what Content-Defined Chunking (CDC) is and how you can use it to split large data into smaller blocks in a deterministic way.
In November 2015, Google introduced the Go Code of Conduct (CoC) and as the leading Go language conference, it was important for us to set an example by publishing and enforcing this Code of Conduct to safeguard the dignity and well-being of all who work in the Go Community.