Introduction As a newcomer to gRPC (in Go) there are many resources setting out what gRPC is, where it originated from and how to create a basic service and client.
Go is widely used to implement microservices and APIs. And for those wishing to set up a dynamic website without resorting to, say, Ruby or PHP, Go offers a lot of tools out of the box.
What is ANTLR? ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition), is an ALL(*) parser generator. In layman’s terms, Antlr, creates parsers in a number of languages (Go, Java, C, C#, Javascript), that can process text or binary input.
One of the common criticisms of the GOPATH is that it is hard to create isolated development environments without resorting to hacks, bash scripts, multiple GOPATH settings, or other trickery.
I had always been a bit confused as to how the crypto/rand package and the math/rand package were related, or how they were expected to work (together).