One of the common criticisms of the GOPATH is that it is hard to create isolated development environments without resorting to hacks, bash scripts, multiple GOPATH settings, or other trickery.
A few months ago, we switched over to using dep to manage dependencies for Veneur.
We were excited to discover that dep provided a straightforward workflow for a longstanding problem in Go development: managing forks of dependencies and contributions to upstream projects.
I had always been a bit confused as to how the crypto/rand package and the math/rand package were related, or how they were expected to work (together).
Chat tools have been good friends of developers. On chat tools we share our thoughts, problems, solutions, jokes, and pretty much everything we do as software engineers.
A regular hash function turns a key (a string or a number) into an integer. Most people will know them as either the cryptographic hash functions (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc) or their smaller non-cryptographic counterparts frequently encountered in hash tables (the map keyword in Go).
Make is an old tool that you can use today to help get everyone on your team on the same page, and make it easy for new contributors to your project to get started.