Having been a Java developer for many years, I have simply lost interest in Java and want to code everything in Go, mostly due to Go’s simplicity and performance.
I maintain Anaconda, the Twitter client library for Go. There are a lot of interesting things I could write about Anaconda - for example, automatic rate-limiting and throttling using the tokenbucket library.
Quick background: What is SHIELD? SHIELD is a backup solution for Cloud Foundry and BOSH deployed services such as Redis, PostgreSQL, and Docker. (For the interested, here is a quick summary of the basics of BOSH and Cloud Foundry.
GIS open source world is dominated by C/C++, Java and Python code. Libraries like PROJ4, JTS, GEOS or GDAL are at the core of most of the open source geospatial projects.
I wrote a post here on GopherAcademy earlier this year, about an idea for a “framework-less” pattern for Flow-Based Programming style programs in Go, or let’s just call it “composable concurrent pipelines”.