GopherAcademy Blog

Community Contributed Articles and Tutorials on Go

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Macaron: Martini-style, but faster and cheaper

Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go. It takes basic ideology of Martini and extends in advance. Why another web framework?

String Matching

How do you search for a string? If it’s just once, strings.Index(text, pattern) is probably your best option. The standard library currently uses Rabin-Karp to search the text for the pattern.

Git2go inception

How many levels of inception we need to master git? This tutorial that explains how to use git2go to publish an article for the Go Advent 2014.

Delve: Go debugger

Delve Delve is a Go debugger. Currently the project is in beta, with most of the functionality implemented, and various improvements and platform support on the way.

Handwritten Parsers & Lexers in Go

Handwritten Parsers & Lexers in Go In these days of web apps and REST APIs it seems that writing parsers is a dying art. You may think parsers are a complex undertaking only reserved for programming language designers but I’d like to dispel this idea.

Probabilistic Data Structures for Go

Imagine you had access logs for a very high traffic website. How would you determine how many different IP addresses accessed your site? Or how many hits from a particular IP?