In the middle of writing my blog engine dynocator, I wondered about the best possible way to read data from a config file. My first approach was to read line by line from the file and use the wonderful strings package to parse the data I want.
Macaron is a high productive and modular design web framework in Go. It takes basic ideology of Martini and extends in advance.
Why another web framework?
How do you search for a string? If it’s just once, strings.Index(text, pattern) is probably your best option. The standard library currently uses Rabin-Karp to search the text for the pattern.
Delve Delve is a Go debugger. Currently the project is in beta, with most of the functionality implemented, and various improvements and platform support on the way.
Handwritten Parsers & Lexers in Go In these days of web apps and REST APIs it seems that writing parsers is a dying art. You may think parsers are a complex undertaking only reserved for programming language designers but I’d like to dispel this idea.